Saturday 15 October 2011

Lake Cave

Not gunna say anything just enjoy the pictures that I climbed over 300 steps for!  Going down into the cave was fine coming back out was a whole different story!
In the cave a stalactite had formed that spread out across the water and then as the water table dropped it formed the suspended table you see in the photos.

The journey into the cave starts with a descent into a huge doline which was once the largest cavern of the cave. As you stroll down the 350 stairs you pass ancient Karri trees, some towering more than 20 stories high. The limestone cliffs of the doline are equally impressive - giant weathered stalactites are draped with spider webs creating the atmosphere of a primeval lost world – a stark contrast to the crystalline beauty which remains hidden and protected underground.

Different lighting created different shadows and reflections.

On top of this formation is a small pool - the guide called it the fairy pool! If you look closely you can see the next drop fall from the ceiling.

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