Monday 28 November 2011

Cudlee Creek Wildlife Sanctuary

I orginally wanted to go to the Cudlee Creek Zoo because I wanted to see the white kangaroos. You know the song..Six White Boomers? Well we saw where Santa gets them from when he visits Australia! The Cudlee Creek Wildlife Sanctuary of course!

You can buy a packet of food to feed the animals as you go round.

This young white joey with his mum, took awhile to get brave enough to come up for some food but when mum was getting some and the other kangaroos started to come over, he decided not to miss out.

The sanctuary had obviously had the kangaroos for a while as some of the bucks were quite big.

The middle of the sanctuary was a large walkthrough area with a central lagoon which had a large bird population.  They obviously felt safe because there were many babies and we even walked past a nesting pair of  Magpie Geese, who weren't phased by our proximity at all.

Western Australia has the black swan as its emblem. When I was in Perth nearly twenty years ago there were still swans on the Swan River which runs through the city. This time there were none (that we saw anyway). In fact the only swans I saw in WA were at Cape Le Grande near Esperance.

It was good to see them up close at Cudlee Creek. For a large bird it has the shortest legs!

They had a wide variety of birds included these beautiful predators, white bellied Sea Eagles.

 I was simply astounded to see a pure white one of these also!

 I'd been trying to get a pic of a Tasmanian Devil at the two other zoos, but they were always hidden away. There were two at Cudlee, one was spread out in amongst some logs, but this fellow was out sunning himself! funny looking things! A bit like a giant rat crossed with a wombat and a quoll.
In amongst the bird avaries was these lovely pheasants. It was hard to get these shots due to the wire, but I still tried.

This wombat woke up when we came past and came out of his nest to see what we had to offer for lunch.  Geoff started to feed him until I noticed the sign that said "Please don't feed me, I'm on a special diet" Whoops!

There was a walk through farm area and we came across this duck with a crazy hairstyle. Weird, funny and cute. It was also very friendly and followed us around hoping for a handout.

The little marmosets were hopping through the trees in their enclosure, but were quite inquisitive when we stopped to say hello to them. One even came over and ate a sunflower seed out of Geoff's fingers!

Strange bedfellows in the farm area. This pigeon and bunny were quite happy in their little hidehole.
There were many large male peacocks flaunting their fine tail feathers. But later we saw this pretty white peahen.  Obviously hiding from the noisy males. I don't blame her.

This large rodent (can't remember what it was called now) was the size of a wallaby, it was quite timid but came out for a nibble on some seeds that we threw into the enclosure.

Bambi! No it wasn't being bred for venison you hungry meat eaters! How can you even contemplate eating anything this cute? Savages!

This littel wading bird was no bigger than the a coke can but it had abnormally long legs to assist it walking across lilly pads etc.

The sanctuary also had a number of monkeys but because I've shown pictures of them before from the zoos I won't do so again here. 
Entry to Cudlee Creek Sanctuary was very moderately priced and well worth the visit. Make sure you visit if you ever go to Adelaide!

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