Wednesday 23 November 2011

Cudlee Creek

I found the drive through the mountains towing the caravan, very stressful! I hate, driving on mountain roads to start with and this was one hell of a mountain road with lots of twists and turns, steep ascents and descents.  I was very happy to arrive at the caravan park.

It was a lovely little spot, a bit run down, but cheap rates and a 20 minute run down to Adelaide, made it an ideal location away from the rat race.
The meadow we parked in was full of little yellow flowers that opened in the morning sun and  went to sleep in the cooler evening.
Cudlee Creek ran behind the park. A gentle little stream, a little overgrown, but sparkling clean and with the potential to become a ranging torrent in the wet season.

Not sure what sort of tree...thought it could be a lillipilli, but who knows?  It was amazingly tall and just smothered in yellow blossoms.

We were suprised to find a little dam further down the valley towards Adelaide.

Oh windy round, you were sent to try me! "Look down" ; "Look at the view" Geoff kept saying. My response "Just you watch the road and don't worry about the view!"

At Cudlee Creek there is a tavern which serves great meals. All through South Australia rose gardens abound. At the tavern, I saw this beauty...check out the size of the flower!

Cudlee Creek Bridge.

I tried to get a picture of the meadow we were parked in with
all the little yellow-gold flowers but this was the best I could get. You can just see the yellowish tinge to the grass. What a view to wake up to every morning.

1 comment:

  1. Big Flower Pffft, you just got little hands Sue lol :-p
