Thursday 29 September 2011

Being the tourist in Perth

We explored the beaches around Perth and and went to the Perth Mint. WE couldn't take photos inside the mint but it was an interesting tour and the jewelry on display is to die for!

We also went to to the Perth Zoo and saw all the wittle aminals! Dey was soooooo coote!  Loved the Tigers but could only see two and there was a sheet of thick marked perspex between us and them. I think they looked very sad. They should be running free, except poachers would get them.

I remember when I was three or so going to a Zoo somewhere and the animals where locked in these little concrete cells with bars and I hated it then.  While zoo's have improved a lot in their animal management you can still see the signs that the animals are not really being safe a good the case of endangered species maybe....but I still have issues with animals in captivity particularly large ones!

It was interesting seeing animals I'd never seen before and some where very cute and adorable, like the pygmy marmosets and the meerkats!  The Guardian meerkat was carefully watching over the babies below, but wasn't to busy to pose for us.

Is this my good side?

Baby 1

Fancy watching these three little mischiefs?
Pygmy marmosets "Look mate I'm sure I saw a something there, just let me check"
He tossed the smaller one down and started searching through its fur.

 The orangutangs are enormous...I never realised how large they actually where. They are as tall as some humans.

This young orangutan just wanted to show off, his mum kept her hand close by just in case. If I was his mum I know I would have been terrified. He was up at least 15 metres up in the air, swinging upside down for at lease 5 minutes, not just hanging he was swinging!

Look at me mum! Aren't I clever?
Mum had enough and told him to come back in! Thank goodness for that!
There were lines ropes stong between the artificial tree houses to allow the orangutans access to each of the houses. It also allowed them to have their own space if they wished. But it was so high up my vertigo was going into overdrive watching them.

This large fellow would have been as tall as Geoff! All he wanted was his blanky and to sit in the sun.

They had very shy lemurs and then there were a number of black and white creatures like lemurs in build but pandas in colour. There were a number of young ones bouncing around so fast it was hard to get a shot. One minute they were down on the ground and in the next they would be at the top of their enclosure.
I couldn't get a good shot of the lemur's they kept hiding because the young kids around were so rowdy.

Mine! Back off!
This cheeky otter growled at us because he thought we were going to pinch his fish. I assured him it was safe! Yuck!
They take the elephants for a walk regularly. This one was a bit unhappy while his mate was off walking but later he got to show the crowd his tricks and paint some portraits. Clever boy. 
Don't leave me here alone with all these strangers looking at me!

Someone go and tell the sook I'll be back shortly.

Is this the elephant equivalent of sucking his thumb?

Here a few pics of some of the other animals at the zoo.




Brown bear

Spotted dog

Lazy lion.

Forgotten what this little creature was - but gee he could move!

They'd look better in a free world where mankind could be trusted not to hunt them down.


Perth is a HUGE city now compared to when I was here nearly 20 years ago.
However they have done a good job on the road transit system and once you get you're bearings it's pretty easy to get around.  For all its busy shopping areas it still has these wonderful landscapes scattered in around them.  Sheep, horses, grape vines and wineries abound throughout the area.
This is the view from a suberb called Brigadoon. It's a big horse area and at the bottom of the hill there is the WA Equestrian Centre. "Heaven, must be here...."
To the rigth of the view in these pictures, cascading down the side of the mountain is a large waterfall. I couldn't get a shot due to trees and angle from the road. Fancy having your own private waterfall in your backyard!

Wildflowers are in bloom everywhere at the moment and they are just so pretty!

Monday 26 September 2011

Cervantes - The Pinnacles

The main reason for Cervantes being a popular tourist destination, aside from its large lobster and fishing industry, is the Nambung National Park which is home to the famous Pinnacles Desert.
The area is covered with varying coloured sand and here there are thousands of limestone pinnacles in a multitude of shapes and sizes. They range in size from 2 metres thick at the base up to 5 metres tall.

 These pinnacles where formed thousands of years ago when ancient plant roots formed a weak cementation of calcite within the sand dunes and have been exposed by wind and shifting sands.

Definately an alien landscape - soft, silky sand everywhere and then these crazy calcite pinnacle formations creating an amazing and surreal view.

In the background is another large shite sand dune along the foreshore . Eventually the vegetation will take over the back of this dune as it has with some of the older dunes in the area. 

After the drive to the Pinnacles - Geoff decided it was beer o'clock, and I decided to go for a walk to the beach where our caravan park was located. As you can see the clouds that threatened rain all day were starting to roll further north leaving a clearing blue sky and silvered waters.

The jetty at Cervantes.

The vegetation is trying to take over this sand dune but the lime, wind and further drifts of sand are making it tough.