Thursday 22 September 2011


Driving into Denham. 

The channel leading into the jetty as you drive along the Esplanade at Denham. You can see the variation in the water colour.

 The Esplanade at Denham.

Driving down toward the front Esplanade at Denham.

I decided to go for a walk to the top of the sand dune ebhind the caravan park.  I was very proud of myself, it was quite high and I actually climbed back up a second time to get to the short cut back into the caravan park.
This is the view from the and dune down to the western point.

The beach front just down from the caravan park.  Oh what a front yard to have!

Beginning of the sand dune.

I spotted these tiny tracks but couldn't find their owners. You can see the little feet marks with the tail drag mark down the centre.  Geoff said it was the tracker blood coming out in me!

Still a bit cold at the moment for me to swim but this is some sort of floating enclosure.

Looking down from the sand dune. Not at the top yet.Puff! Puff!

Now I'm level with the caravan park and there to the left is a short cut.  I forgot about it when I was on the way down and decided it was quicker to walk back up to it rather than back along the front beach.

The view from the top of the sand dune. 

I was surprised that the top of the sand dune was reasonably level.

 Check out the colours in the water! The deeper channel is the dark blue.
The view from our caravan. How lucky can you get.


Evening arrives as we sit outside the caravan enjoying the sunset and the view.

Time for sleepy's.

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