Tuesday 13 September 2011

Broome to Canarvon

It was a long drive to complete in one hit - driving from Broome to Canarvon, however we had called into Port Hedland and decided we wanted to keep going.  Many of the free camps along the coast can only be reached by travelling over dirt roads, something we are reluctant to do with the big van.

There was some interesting scenery but it was by far probably the most boring stretch since arriving in WA.


Mmm this had a message graffitied on the side - don't sleep in bed!

We went from no cloudes to one little cloud...what can I say I was bored!

To many clouds!

To lots and lots of clouds (told you I was bored)

Then they started to retreat.

Sandfire Roadhouse has a managerie of animals to entertain visitors.  This white male peacock had taken a fancy to his reflection in the door!

A lady working at the Roadhouse kindly sent me some photos she'd taken of the white peacock with his tail fanned!

These peahens took a fancy to Geoff, the attraction - his white hair maybe? Or the food....you decide.
We free camped here before reaching Carnavon.

I know ...what can I say ...I like dead trees!
Is this one better? At least it's alive!

Geoff reckoned this group of small hills looked like a fish!

Port Hedland - Salt works

Okay, it's Geoff's hat.  I thought it looked interesting with the salt pans behind it.

Port Hedland

Ta Ta Lizard - he did wave, but I wasn't fast enough. Read my camera book for a solution so next time I'll be ready!

Ship coming into the harbour at Port Hedland.

Salt works.

Heat haze rising in the distance.


Sturt Desert Pea

Another lot of wildflowers - yellow ones this time.

Port Samson

This rock face has an interesting pattern created by the comprension of silt, soil and rock over eons of time.

Mother Natures garden!

These little white flowers lined the road like tiny snowdrops.

1 comment:

  1. Dead trees again, Your not taking your medication now are you Sue :-p
