Sunday 18 September 2011


As well as visiting the blow holes we did go for a bit of a cruise around the township itself.  This didn't take all that long as its only a community about the size of  Ayr.  We did find the old historic jetty and went for a ride on the Coffeepot Train.  The jetty is called One Mile Jetty, and I can tell you - it was the longest mile of my life.
It was just a wee bit SCAREY!
Originally built in 1897 on the Gascoyne River mouth to service the Fishing industry in the area. To repair the jetty is costing over $2500 per pylon - that's a lot of money they're going to need, just check out the pylons in the photos.

The jetty is very dilapidated and the volunteers have only just got everything up and running.  The jetty has had a hodge podge of repairs carried out.

The Coffee Pot train.

There are boards missing from the walkway and from the rails running alongside.  The train track is as crooked as a dogs hind leg! We actually derailed halfway along the track.  We had to get out and the men helped lift the wagon back on the track.  Two men got on one side and Geoff was the hero of the day he managed his side all by himself!  I didn't get a photo of the derailment because I was too busy looking at the water rushing under the jetty. I was very scared!

 This is a good jetty!

See what I mean about the water rushing in!
Check out the tracks!

 Good and straight - NOT!
This is looking back at the spot we derailed at. The lady driver said that she'd been driving the train for three years and this was the first time it had derailed - go figure. When we all looked back down the track and saw how crooked it was - all of us cracked up! We just believe how bad they were. Evidently the tidal movement is so severe it's always created problems for the wooden jetty, creating a lot of movement in the foundations. MMM we should have read the indemnity notice at the beginning of the jetty before we went out - not after.

 But still we had a great trip out saw some fishermen catch some fish of the end of the jetty and then with great trepidition we got back on the train to return to shore. Fortunately we arrived back in one piece and all dry!

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