Thursday 8 September 2011

Five Rivers Lookout Wyndam

So this is why people choose to live in Wyndam, the fishing area choices would be amazing.  The Bucanneers - horizontal waterfalls are not far up the coast. Awesome 360 degree views of the five major river systems in the area:The Ord, Forrest, King, Durack and Pentecost Rivers enter the Cambridge gulf at this point.
The day was hazy from the dust and smoke haze being brought in on the Easterlies that were blowing quite strongly.  So the picture quality is not as good as I would have wished.  However, as you can tell - from the lookout it's like looking out into infinity!

 Toby T and MD wanted a look but Toby went yellow and only peeked.  We nearly lost MD to the strong winds - we thought that he was going to go flying off! As it was we had to get him down out of a nearby gum tree. Toby T was not impressed.

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