Wednesday 7 September 2011

Lake Kununarra and Ivanhoe Crossing

Lake Kununarra is situated right within the boundaries of the Kununarra township. It is an important gathering area for wildlife and birdlife, as well as the local community.

The diversion dam spillway at Lake Kununarra is part of the highway north out of town. There is an Apex park just down from it which is a popular fishing and camping area. There is a small boat ramp for the local tinnies.

One of the older local community members was busy fishing at the boat ramp and all the boaties who wanted to put their tinnies in had to manoeuvre around her.

Ivanhoe Crossing takes you north of the town, however it has been uncrossable since the heavy rains at the beginning of the year. It is still flowing across the road creating a miniature waterfall. It is a great fishing area and while we were there one of the locals caught a barra. They had to through it back due to its size unfortunately. One enterprising fellow was going along the river bank collecting lures from the trees and broken lines caught in snags. He was quite successful and gathered quite a staggering number of homeless, discarded lures.

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